Having any "dumb" traits ( dull, slow, imbecile ) increases this outcome by x1.5 times. Having less than 8 skill points increases by x2.5 times. Not using the councillor's relevant skill also increases this by x1.5. Having a medium or major rumor makes this more likely (x1.25 for medium, x1.5 for major). It's possible to have a setback (rare, weight 1 among 32 at base). The modifier is removed if you found the artifact or if the quest is abandoned. Scholarship costs -25% tech progress rate. Intrigue costs -50% plot power, -50% plot discovery. Stewardship costs 5% city vassal tax, -20 mayor opinion, +25% build time. Once you agree to help, as long as the modifier is on (for 5 years), you won't be asked to help for the same skill again. Disagreeing will decrease progress by one point. Granting help increases progress by a whopping 5 points.
This is more likely if he has at least 8 skill points (x1.4), and he is using his councillor skill (x1.5) while searching. This means having any of the following traits: Erudite, Scholar, Scholarly Theologian, Mastermind Theologian, Renowned Physician, or Faqih. When searching using learning, being particularly learned helps passive gain (x1.4).When searching using intrigue, passive gain is more likely if the character has an unpleasant personality (x1.4), this means having any "unpleasant trait" and no "pleasant traits" mentioned in the diplomacy part previously.When searching with stewardship, passive gain is more likely if the character has a monthly income of at least 3 (x1.4).When searching via Martial, there are two sets of bonus increase passive point gain (making this the best choice if you can find the right candidate): the first is for having the Brave trait (x1.4), the second is for having a Personal Combat Skill of at least 20 (x1.4).When searching diplomatically, a pleasant personality helps (x1.5), that's having any of ( Honest, Gregarious, Trusting, Socializer, Charitable, Patient, or Kind ) and NOT having any of the "unpleasant traits" ( Deceitful, Shy, Paranoid, Cruel, Stubborn, Impaler, Greedy, Wroth, Envious ).Using the same skill as the councillor job (1.5x), and having more than 18 skill points (x3.95) makes this more likely. It is possible to get 1 progress point through passive gain. He will report in to you every 80 days until he finds the artifact, dies or lost his track completely. He will also be incited to use the skills in which he has 10 skill points or more (3x likely).
He will be incited to use the skill relevant to his councilor job (5x as likely) but this is not guaranteed. The councilor will choose a random skill to find a point in order to progress through the events. For example, if you have all three of the bones of St Peter, the staff of Moses and David's harp, and if you're Christian, then you can't hear about a major rumor. You can only hear a rumor if you don't have all of certain same level artifacts. They require to have reached 8, 14 or 20 points from events, then the artifact will be found. Rumors come in 3 flavors : minor, medium and major. You can authorize him to search for the artifact or select another councillor. If you're not Zunist, your councillor may hear a rumor of an artifact. Some Great works and their upgrades grant artifacts through event chains.Contribute to a Christian Crusade for a fraction of the Crusade War Chest.With Jade Dragon, use the "Compose a book" decision.With either Monks and Mystics or Jade Dragon, use the " Search for a smith" decision.Artifacts can be stolen by sieging capital holdings ( warfare).With either Monks and Mystics or Holy Fury:.Artifacts can be stolen by sacking capital holdings ( raiding).See Selecting councilors for artifact-hunting abilities.
Use the character finder to search for the name of an artifact.